Meal vouchers and multi-sport cards as a new means of payment

When we choose a job, we are first interested in the wage or salary, and of course the job description. In recent years, however, employee evaluations outside of the standard salary structure have added to this. Large multinationals, in particular, have introduced benefit-based compensation schemes from their home countries. So what does this all mean?
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We work for a salary
Of course, we all go to work for the money our employers give us for our work. However, it is already rightly understood that even a single employee needs his or her own motivation to work in order to enjoy coming to work, to learn, and to keep improving. So companies began with meal subsidies, so-called meal vouchers. Once an employer guarantees such a benefit, meal vouchers are provided each month for the number of days worked, and the employer pays proportionally. The standard ratio is60:40in favor of the employee, but the government is a bit more generous, offering a maximumratio of 80:20. In addition to paper meal vouchers, there is now a credit card system in place that stores funds from meal vouchers instead of paper checks. Another advantage is the so-calledmultisport card. Here, a certain budget is given by the employer, which can be used up at the supporting partners. This includes sports facilities, cinemas, theaters, spas, etc. Another popular benefit issick leave. These are so-called sick days, which can be used without having to notify the employer, as is the case with holidays. In essence, you use these sick days to apologize to your employer on the days you are unable to work.
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As you can see, the standard benefits are quite broad, and of course there are many more. So there are many choices these days, not only in terms of what wage terms our employers are willing to offer us, but also in terms of how they spoil us with these benefits.