Education and Nurturing of Gifted Children

Modern education is engaged in an intense debate on the topic of inclusion . While many people think of inclusion primarily in terms of integrating children with disabilities or children from socially disadvantaged families, in reality,
exceptionally gifted students are also included.

učení počítat
Exceptionally gifted students are not necessarily exceptionally talented. In fact, they may have specific learning disabilities, ADD, attention deficit disorder combined with ADHD, or autism spectrum disorder; for example, highly gifted children often have Asperger\’s syndrome.

As a parent, if you objectively feel that your child is exceptional, be sure to contact an educational psychology counseling center for a professional diagnosis . Testing is also available at Mensa.
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Assumptions in Education

Mensa works with schools, assists in the joint development of individual educational plans with pedagogical and psychological counseling centers , establishes clubs for gifted children, organizes various activities, etc.
All of this may seem elitist, but it is not.
All of this may seem elitist, but it is not. For example, students with special needs need appropriate care, just as students with intellectual disabilities need appropriate care.

If such care is not available,
the following problems arise.

– Talented children behaving disruptively in the classroom

– may ridicule teachers for perceived lack of ability
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– Engage in problematic behavior
– May bully other “stupid” children
– May in turn be bullied
by children who feel they are different.

However, gifted children also need the right approach from their parents. Indeed, children do not need to be bullied. The sense that gifted children are special should not be encouraged. Children need to be taught that intelligence also requires a sense of responsibility for life.

The child must be taught that intelligence also requires a sense of responsibility for life.

Many gifted children have long had difficulty learning because of their inability to learn. On the other hand, they may be too perfectionistic and suffer from self-doubt.