Embark on a journey of transformation – with the support of a personal coach

Coaching is a professional, collaborative process that helps you bridge the gap between where you are and where you want to be. In your personal and professional life. You will find interesting inspiration in the online magazine headlinesCoach Your Developmentand in the “Coach Your Development” section! Definitely worth reading and who knows if it will open up a whole new path for you. To a richer and above all, happier life.


The first personal development course was introduced at the beginning of the last century. This was thanks to the American pioneer Dale Carnegie. In his first courses for adults, Carnegie sought to incorporate empathy, self-criticism, communication skills, the ability to assert oneself, the ability to lead a team, and the ability to energize others for a common goal. These so-calledsoftskills cannot be included in vocational qualifications, but are nonetheless essential for success in personal and professional life. Dale Carnegie also advised major politicians and wrote many books. These are still regarded today as among the most important in the field of self-help. They have become bibles for many people and companies. Among the best known are “How to Stop Worrying and Start Living,” and “How to Win Friends and Influence People,”which were brought to our country in the early 1990s through the work of Czech-born Temi Miller. These deserve to be the gold standard of personal development literature.


Even today, the Carnegie Course remains the most sought after method for streamlining and maximizing work within teams. Personal developmentaffects not only the realm of morale in corporate culture, but also in personal life. But especially in personal life. It brings a new dimension to an individual\’s life. At the same time, it is a source of enjoying new skills and sharing experiences. Values are constant and timeless. It helps establish positive thinking as a source of energy. The best known proponents of this development are Bill Gates and Lee Iacocca.