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A woman who pushed science forward

Marie Curie-Sklodowska\’s exceptionalism was already evident from her student days, when she had a strong interest in the study of physics and chemistry; for the late 19th century, this was incomprehensible to many people; she was a woman of great talent and great influence. She was fluent in four languages: Russian, French, German, and English. […]

Do you know the fairy Haju?

Do you have a transistor radio at home? Only the old-timers would be able to answer this question. 7] Just as today\’s youth cannot imagine life without tablets, in the past they could not imagine life without transistor radios. o Nowadays, young people carry their tablets everywhere. o I used to take my transistor everywhere. […]


Slovakia\’s neighbor recently elected a female president. Zuzana Csaptover became president. Despite the fact that today women are undoubtedly very emancipated and successful, their participation in high-level politics is not very common and has always been the subject of questioning. One of them is: what does it bring us?There is no doubt that Zuzana Chaputová […]

Where and how to meet

There are tons of articles, videos, books, and advice on how to meet people. What to do, what not to do, what to say, what not to say, where to date, where not to date… The best value is being authentic, not playing games, and being yourself. Only by doing so will you stand a […]

Put yourself in the shoes of the character you are playing!

Computer games keep evolving and becoming more and more amazing effects, but the story lines are not necessarily better than older games. It is very unfortunate that older games are not often remade with cleaner designs, i.e., better graphics, than they have now. The “Tomb Raider” series is a classic. The new games in that […]

Fishing – A Hobby with Benefits

Even in our country, which has no ocean, fishing has a very long tradition. After all, fish can be caught in ponds, dams, and finally in rivers. And there are plenty of those in the country. Today, the number of members of the Czech Fishing Association is not as large as it was before 1989, […]

Why are food prices so high?

Many of us, when we go to the supermarket, often shake our heads at the prices, especially for meat products. Some even go so far as to call the prices exorbitant. But how did they become so expensive? And why is that so? To understand this, one must first observe the journey of meat to […]

Take the Fitness Trail

Exercising in a fitness studio is very popular. Fitness trails allow people to exercise in the fresh air and use equipment to strengthen their bodies and fitness. This sport activity has the advantage that it can be combined with jogging. Most of these nature-based fitness trails are built in pleasant natural settings such as parks […]

Language Courses in České Budějovice

In today\’s job market, foreign language skills are one of the best calling cards for job applicants. Large employers are eager to hire employees who can speak foreign languages. Not surprisingly, the most commonly used language is English. German follows. However, Russian, Spanish, and Italian are increasingly coming to the forefront, and those who speak […]

Konec reklam na dálnicích

V záčí roku2017byla schválena novela zákona omezujícívěskyt billboardý v blízkosti pozemních komunikací. Vyhláškou bylo ustanoveno,že všechny poutače v blízkosti menší než250metrů od dálnice či jiné silnice první třídy musí být zničeny. Důvodem je,že při jízdě odpoutávají pozornost řidiče od řízení. 2019年、”ale nelegální billboardy stálestojí na místī”(エール-ネレガルニ-ビルボード-スタール-ストイー-ナ-ミスティー)。 Jedna z velikých společností zabývajících se marketingem、PR、JCDecaux,se zákonu podřídila、všechny […]