Progress or Pose?

In today\’s globalized world, a foreign language is an absolute necessity. Not only English, but also Spanish, Russian and Italian are the necessary equipment for a successful person today. This leads many parents to teach their children the language from an early age. A decade ago English was first taught in primary school, but today it is no longer a problem to find language instruction or a kindergarten entirely in English. There are also language courses for infantsorinfants. You can also getlanguage instruction for pregnant women, as medical studies have shown that voices can be heard in the womb.


But is it worth it? Advocates of early learning argue that bilingual children around the world can learn two languages easily, so there is no reason to wait. In addition, languagedevelops most quickly and easily at a young age, so early initiation saves children from later worries. True, the toddler may not understand grammar, but he will get used to the language, so later he will learn it without fear and shyness. 2 languages are absolutely equal to him, so he does not tend to like 1 of them, and he will both be completely relieved. In addition, supporters of this approach say that in school, the little man will not have more space to learn another foreign language, because he already knows a foreign language.Some studies have also shown that children in bilingual families have higher Iqthan their peers, and many people attribute this to early learning.


The opponent shakes his head with this. According to them, it\’s mainly aboutposingand the effort for parents to show off. Indeed, they realize that if 2 languages are really spoken in the family, it is natural for a child to learn both. But if at home only 1 language is spoken, then in their opinion, it is meaningless to confuse the child\’s head. “What does a toddler take away from 2 hours a week?They ask. A week is like a year for a baby and more people use those 2 hours to play and sleep. There is no need to push our little kids into everything right now. They have enough time to learn, but for now, the kids should be playing. On whose side is the truth? It\’s hard to say. The truth is that children who grew up in a given language environment will not be afraid of it later. But it is also the fact that early childhood should not be primarily a practice of language, but a time of play and pleasure.